Sunday Chutney has lived in New York and in Outback Australia. Her family moves around a lot and so she gets dragged from school to school.
Sunday Chutney is one of those precocious, dare I say, annoying children - everyone knows one like her, and just when you think you can't cope with them anymore, you stop to think what life would be like without them.....and it wouldn't be pleasant. Sometimes a unique way of looking at the world is just what you need to keep on going. This picture book helps children understand that it is ok to be different and that the world is made up of unique individuals, just like them.
With obvious connections to the classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, this book makes it easy to scaffold learning through a variety of related titles, including the Alice for the iPad app.
Sunday Chutney by Aaron Blabey
Illustrated by the author
Penguin Viking Australia 2008
If you like this picture book try Stanley Paste by the same author, or Where's Jamela (see separate blog post).
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