Monday, April 16, 2012

Collecting colour to create a sense of kinship

How do children understand the concept of family. Who they are, how they connect. The strength in belonging, of family and of having a base to come home to. Many picture books deal with these concepts, some more successfully than others.

Collecting colour by Kylie Dunstan introduces us to Rose, her friend Olive and their community in the Top End. Sharing traditional ways of collecting and colouring Rose and Olive work with Olive's mother Karrang, and Aunty to create original pandanus baskets. Elders sharing their knowledge with the children who offer hope for the future that the old ways will remain.

Family and kinship is important to Torres Strait Islander culture. This picture book presents the concept in a way that is truly unique and culturally appropriate, in a way that is able to be shared by all.

Activities relating to the picture book have been prepared by artsworkers from the State Library of Queensland. Included as resources within The Corner Toolkit they are available for use at

Other online resources available include Children's Picture Diaries, available at

Collecting colour by Kylie Dunstan
Illustrated by the author.
A Lothian Children's Book,Sydney 2008.

If you like this picture book see Special Kev, Sunday Chutney and Marshall Armstrong is new to our school for other stories about children finding their sense of self. (See separate blog posts).

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