Monday, April 2, 2012

Libraries are magical, wonderful places.

Stephen Fry talks about libraries in Fry's Planet Word Episode 4; spreading the word. He recalls his love of the library and the books contained therein saying "It's like a will-o-the wisp. One book lights another book, which lights another one, which lights another one.....these are magical, wonderful places."

This is what I hope children the world over will find their experience of libraries, and picture books to be. Something that sparks a desire for knowledge and learning, that sets fire to their imagination, something that supports their dreams, that is there for them when they need a friend. Something to celebrate their joy with, or to provide comfort when things are tough. That is what books have been to me, and I for one will always have a book by my side....and yes, often that book will be a picture book.

Image shows Bundaberg Regional Library, Queensland

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