Monday, April 2, 2012

Iggy Peck architect does Bachelard.

Continuing the discussion about children and their using home as their departure point for their interaction with the world at large. Starting school is another departure point in the journey to develop a concept of the world around them that is relevant and meaningful. What is valid for one child may not register for another child. That is the beauty of life and dreaming. We develop a scenario unique to each individual, adult or child.

Iggy Peck architect is the perfect picture book to pull this concept together. Starting at home, the lively text, moves on to the school environment and beyond. All the while our hero takes us along looking at the world from his unique viewpoint.

"Young Iggy Peck is an architect and has been since he was two, when he built a great tower - in only an hour - with nothing but diapers and glue."

In turn Iggy tackles, the Sphinx, a church and a temple, before building a castle from chalk.

"Dear Ig made it until second grade when his teacher was Miss Lila Greer. On the very first day, she had this to say: "we do not talk buildings in here!"

Iggy's world takes a down hill turn as he tolerates school without the buffer of his passion for building. All is looking dire until an excursion one day, where Iggy steps to the fore to rescue not only Miss Greer, but his 16 fellow students as well.

Miss Greer has one of life's lightbulb moments....."It all became clear to Miss Greer, as she crossed the bridge over the stream. There are worse things to do when you're in grade two than to spend your time building a dream."

Bachelard couldn't have said it better.

Iggy Peck architect by Andrea Beatty.
Illustrated by David Roberts
Harry N. Abrams Inc. 2007

If you like this picture book about a boy and his experience at school see also: Marshall Armstrong is new to our school as well as Sunday Chutney.

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