I have signed on to participate in the ALIA Love2Read program. The reason for this is two fold. Firstly to support the National Year of Reading program as endorsed through this online training via ALIA. Secondly because one of my professional briefs at the moment is to develop online professional development programs for public library staff within Queensland. My theory being that the more online training I participate in from the end user perspective the better knowledge I have of what the issues are, and how to trouble shoot and address these pre launch of the program. So, suffice to say I am learning lot.
Summary to date is that learning relating to literacy resources as directed by the program is minimal, but the learning relating to the online delivery mechanisms has been well worth while, if at times frustrating.
Core learning to date is limited to how to participate in a forum......with key assessment based on how to develop a blog. No rocket science here.
I initially questioned why we needed a new blog, when I had a perfectly good blog in existence to build upon. Interesting thing I found out was that my original blog - developed as part of the online "License to test drive" was the only blog developed amongst my group of followers that had any entries added since the December 2009 development date. Makes you wonder how useful these things are as a tool for knowledge sharing. as for me, with approximately 50 posts added, it all became clear.....I have been "talking" to myself.
Due to assessment request I have now gone and developed a second blog, so stay tuned.
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